Welcome to Christian House of Praise!
Where the Word and the Love of God are shared. You're welcomed here.

Greetings and welcome to Christian House of Praise! We are Pastors LT and Angela
Whittley, and we are so excited and delighted you are joining us today.
No matter what it may look like, we believe and know that God is in control. Psalm 46:1 says, He is "a very present and well-proved help in the time of trouble".
If you're joining us for the first time, a special welcome to you. We are so glad to have you with us today. We would love to connect with you! Simply go to our digital connect card link, www.chopmit.org/connect and fill out our connect card so we can get you connected with the great people, programs, and events happening at CHOP.
Our heart is to build spiritual unity in the community and share great measures of grace through God's love. Christian House of Praise wants to see a great measure of grace rest upon all God's people. We believe it is important as a church and a body of believers of God that we move forward and grow in maturity and greater unity, because we have work to do.
Join us in person at 11 am (CST) and on our online live stream for Sunday Worship Service every Sunday at 12 noon (CST) and Bible Study on Tuesday at 6:30 pm (CST) via Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/chopMidTen/live/ or click here: https://christian-house-of-praise.freeonlinechurch.com/live.
Keep the faith and be safe. We look forward to worshiping with you.
Love, Peace & Blessings,
LT Whittley, Sr. Pastor
Lady Angela Whittley, Executive Pastor
Sunday Worship and Tuesday Night Teaching (TNT) Bible Study
Sunday Worship and Tuesday Night Teaching (TNT) Bible Study

Grow Up!

The Wise Mind

Developing A Good Work Ethic

You Are Built For This
Come worship and experience God with us. At Christian House of Praise "It's Above Us!" It's all about Him Jesus Christ. Let's "Go to the Next Level" together in God and in life!